Triggering Memory – Courtesy of a Lemon Pound Cake

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“Memories, imagination, old sentiments, and associations are more readily reached through the sense of smell than through the other channels.” ~ Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Oliver Wendell Holmes

ImageSweet memories count amongst our most precious possessions. For individuals diagnosed with dementia, anything that triggers these memories – seemingly faded into the mists of time – is a powerful tool. A recent experience in our new memory care residence drove home this point for me.

Seated comfortably in the living room by a warm fireplace, an elderly resident, her family members and staff, including myself, were suddenly entranced by the pleasing smell of freshly baked lemon pound cake wafting from the kitchen. Here’s the conversation that ensued:

“Have you seen my father?” asked the resident. “Where do you think he went?” replied a therapist. “Maybe to the store,” said the resident. “Do you think he knows what to get?” asked the therapist. “Well, not if it relates to cooking!” answered the resident. We all started laughing, but now let’s guess what happened.

Sensory stimulation, prompted by an irrestible aroma, aroused memories from the resident’s childhood—perhaps of a mom who was a sensational cook, a dad who, for whatever reason, would rarely be sent on a mission to the grocery store, special family gatherings, delicious home-cooking, and probably more. These memories led to the sharing of a unique moment in the resident’s current reality, and most important, this occurred within a non-judgmental setting filled with love, humor and support. We all felt uplifted and enriched.

Caregivers and professional healthcare providers working with patients living with dementia will find these two relevant articles that address memory retrieval of particular interest:

“Reminiscence and Alzheimer’s Disease” – 

“Smell stimulates memories for seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias” –  

The Power & Magic of Music

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ImageMusic lifts the spirit—even for individuals living with dementia. I recently came upon a striking video — — that shows an expressive arts therapist helping an elderly couple rediscover the joy of music and the intrinsic pleasure of shared moments, despite their both having lost an ability to communicate verbally. As the jaunty music plays, the therapist joins their hands and leads them through simple arm movements in an easy, lighthearted manner. To witness a happy husband and wife relaxed and re-engaged with one another in such an upbeat and beautiful way is nothing short of inspiring. Try using music with your loved one who may be living with dementia and let us know how it goes.